Saturday, March 26, 2011

I learn best when:
I learn best when I am sitting at the back of the right side of the room, where I can get up and move around without disturbing other students. It will help me if there are visual metaphors or kinesthetic ways of taking the lesson in, as I struggle with auditory learning. I sometimes like to move my hands around to concentrate.

I need to:
Move my hands a lot or doodle. I sometimes change position in my seat a lot during class, instead of standing up and walking around like my profile says would benefit me.

The strategies that would help me learn:
  • Sitting at the back right
  • Doing lazy 8's or double doodles
  • Having visual or kinesthetic lessons.

4. I would like my teachers to know this about me.....
I am a very kinesthetic and visual learner, so I want to be able to move a lot and see good visual examples of things we are learning about. I struggle with auditory learning, so lessons where I can only listen and not participate physically or visually make it difficult for me to take in information. I would also prefer to sit at the back of the room because I am most comfortable there, and it is in my profile that I learn best from there.

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